Introduction The Champion Gas Log Splitter 90720 is a full beam 7-ton gas log splitter brought to us by Champion Power Equipment, an US based company with a good reputation in ...
READ MORE +Introduction RuggedMade RS-322-E-LK is a 22-ton push through gas log splitter. The push through means that the log cradle is on the wedge end. The ram pushes the log into the ...
READ MORE +Powerhouse Log Splitter XM-380 sports a 3.5hp electric motor. It consumes 2200 wattage of electricity to generate a maximum of 7 Tons log cracking pressure to split woods. ...
READ MORE +Introduction Boss Industrial ES7T20 is a 7-Ton electric log splitter. It comes with 2HP electric motor that draws up to 1500 wattage of electricity and can generate up to 3500 ...